Writing High-Quality Articles

The internet is all about content. Good, bad, vague and weird. For you to attract traffic to your article or website, you need unique content that drive reader’s imagination which readers can give their money for. The use of keyword and link-building system for SEO by search engines is a major challenge that has flooded the internet with thousands of irrelevant hyperlinks.

Apart from irrelevant links, some of these sites don’t have relevant content as what is shown in the meta tags. Once you click on them, you will discover that they redirect you from one site to another. Due to the development of this ranking fraud always practiced by desperate individuals who want to rank their site without providing quality content, major search engines have clamped down on them by delisting these sites.

Major blog owners are now returning to the meaning of how the ranking processes are done. So, the meaning of getting ranked is your consistent posting of quality content and nothing else.

Tips for Creating High-Quality Articles

What is a high-quality article? A quality article informs, entertains, convinces or converts, and conveys a compelling message in a clear, concise, and coherent manner.

The following should guide you in crafting a quality article.

  • Your article should contain useful resources.

  • Your article should contain practical tips that your readers can easily apply. For example, an article of this kind “A step-by-step guide on preparing a remedy for bake pain” will be very interesting to buyers in the category of “health problems”.

  • If you're writing on a topic that stimulates discussion, you should present an alternative view and engage readers in discussing this topic.

  • Your content should be personalized. You should write from your own experiences. The reason is simply because no reader would want to start guessing who the source of what they are reading is. Once you have been able to establish yourself as a quality and reliable article writer, readers won’t have a problem with your contents. They find trust with the information shared in your contents.

  • When writing your article, if there are any facts presented, you should support it with references – this will create a sense of responsibility from the point of your readers. They will simply trust the information with the notion that it’s a well-researched article as opposed to mere copy and paste words just because they want to release a new post.

  • When writing about an idea, you should revolve them around with up-to-date information as no reader would want to see an analogy of outdated event. For example, if you are writing on “how to advertise on Google,” your illustrations should be with a current and traceable illustration of the present Google and not with the outdated Google.

What Constitutes Bad Content

If there are quality articles, it means there should be junk articles as well. Junk or bad articles are articles that have no relevance.

Here are some tips to avoid when writing a marketable article:

  • Affiliate links: Most article directory owners frown at articles that include affiliate links because most of these kinds of articles are less informational.

  • Repetitive sentences with no substance: You should avoid revolving around an idea just because you want to meet up a word target without any substantial information.

  • Too much of a sales pitch: You should avoid being too desperate in sales, instead of hammering on your product,provide readers with the benefits of these products. Over time they will become interested in buying it.

  • Guest Posting: When writing articles for guest posting, you should ensure you read the guidelines of these online directories so you don’t get blacklisted and banned from advertising your contents.

Proofread Everything You’ve Written

Just like they say, “you have to get closer to an apple tree before you would know if it’s fruit is ripe or not”. Most times, you may write and assume your contents are good to fly on the internet. It is not always so – you should consider proofreading your articles before letting them fly. By this, you will gain your readers confidence in your content. There are applications that can help you with your proofreading needs.

Programs like Grammarly and so many others. Sometimes, the error may not be a grammatical error but factual error or an error related to presenting an idea in the reverse form due to stress or misrepresentation. You should ensure you take a word to word check of your content, ensure all information is presented clearly and coherently.

It is also possible that after checking over and over you may still not uncover some minor mistakes, that is why it’s good to entertain critics by allowing a friend or if you have little money to spend, you may hire an auditor to do a check on the content before publishing. All these is to improve the sense of reliability in the heart of your readers.
In writing an article to be published in a directory you may need to consider the total word count.

On the average, most directories would require an apt content of from 300 to 600 words and they have to be straight to point. When your article is good and informational with adequate researched keyword you should rest assured that it is going to create a pool of readers. Think of it, if an article could generate a traffic of 500 readers, 10 of such articles would generate 5000 readers.

With article syndication, you get more backlinks for higher ranking on search engines and can also brand yourself as an expert in your niche.

Do You Suffer Black-outs?

Every writer faces it at some point. You sit down to write, but words aren’t flowing. You try as much as you can to brainstorm yet you couldn’t get a reasonable flow of thought and ideas. Just like every trade has a challenge, blackouts are a major challenge in writing. Blackouts in a normal event the following tips should help you in any case of black out.

Talk to Someone

When you experience a blackout, you should consider talking to someone. Blackouts is a result of a cluttered brain – so you should consider talking to someone in order to get relieved and refresh. One major way should be taking to a professional or a colleague in the writing business as well may be through phone or over Skype.

Talk as you'd normally talk. Let the ideas flow. After all, nobody experiences blackouts when talking to a good friend, right? Later on, just listen to the recorded conversation and transcribe the best parts. Turn that into the article you were trying to write.

Do Some Exercises

As said earlier, a blackout is as a result of stress and you should consider leaving your writing room and do some other things that would ensure you a relief. One better way to get relieved is exercise – exercise creates a sense of humor and brings every sense within you alive.

During exercise especially with loved ones, you would discover a sudden relief. You may as well consider having a nap after the exercise so that your brain can reorganize and coordinate itself so you can recollect and present your ideas in a proper manner.

Return to Writing

The final step toward stress relief and overcoming blackouts would be to return to your writing. Now you would discover that you will be writing in a new direction  you will have a flow of ideas.

The Variety of Writing Styles

What sort of articles would be a good idea for you to compose? Is it true that you weren't even mindful that there are distinctive variety writing style? There are! Truth be told, there are five sorts of articles

  • Articles about tips

  • Articles about stories

  • Articles about personally experiences

  • Articles about facts

  • Articles about recommendations

Articles about tips is obviously an article that gives the reader tips on a specific subject, for example, how to lose weight or how to make money online. The tips might be numbered, or laid out with projectiles, and the title ought to incorporate the quantity of tips that will be secured, for example, 20 top tips to help you lose weight at this point.
Articles about stories are precisely what it says.

It is utilized to recount a story that is not really the author's individual experience. The story might be valid or it might be fiction, yet it will quite often be about another person. The tip is to keep the reader perusing. Articles about personal experiences will be about you and an affair that you have had that identifies with your niche somehow. For example, 'How I Lost 50 Pounds of Weight' would in all likelihood be a personal experience article.

Articles about facts is essentially an article that educates, uses demonstrated facts for the subject. For example, "What Exercise Can Do to Your Health" would be an article about facts since you have science and research to attract from and to back it up with evidence. At long last, there is the recommendations article. You should be extremely cautious with a recommendation article.

These are used in a promotion or advertising a service or product, yet the substance of the article must be useful in nature. For example, on the chance that you're recommending a diet to someone to help lose weight, the article can't sound like a sales letter. It must educate. For instance, you may talk about some issues with particular diets that can disturb one's sleeping or day to day life. So, therefore, use truths and your own experiences to help demonstrate the issues to your readers.