What’s a LinkedIn Company Page?

LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the planet right now, and with a user count already at 400 million it doesn’t look like it could lose that status any time soon and, in fact, its creators have stated that their goal is to reach 3 billion registered users. With that said, we can all agree that LinkedIn is the best place for professionals and business to have a presence on the internet.

LinkedIn is by all accounts mostly known as a different type of social media platform where people can create profiles similar to those on Facebook, where they can post their professional bios and be found by companies, but how do companies and businesses find their way on LinkedIn?

We are glad that you asked, because we are going to talk about LinkedIn company pages in this article.

So, what’s a LinkedIn company page?

A LinkedIn company page is a profile that works as a social promotion tool for a business, no matter how big or small it is. Their intended function is to provide business to consumer relationships in a business centric environment.

LinkedIn Company Pages drive 64% of visits from social media channels to corporate websites, giving them an edge over corporate social media profiles on other platforms. Having a LinkedIn company page gives businesses a greater opportunity to promote their products and services to a more receptive audience.

What are some of the benefits of having a LinkedIn Company Page?

Creating a Company Page for your business on LinkedIn, besides giving you a much more professional online presence, has great benefits:

  • Having a Company Page on LinkedIn will increase awareness of your brand or business because LinkedIn users favorite brands with which they engage in the platform over other brands, making them very likely to recommend your products, your services and to share your updates.

  • It will help you to acquire new customers and to connect with a large audience of likeminded consumers. Many of your new customers will be acquired through direct and indirect connections on LinkedIn.

  • It will allow you to create and promote events and have a potentially very large outreach.

  • It will enable you to run advertising campaigns and target a highly specific audience, with great tools for self-promotion and sponsored content that rival more popular online advertising alternatives both in functionality and reach.

  • It will give you the means to find exceptional people in your industry and in your field of work with LinkedIn’s recruiting tools, which will come as highly useful when you need to hire talent for your company.

  • It will allow you to engage and connect with influencers and decision makers in your industry.

How can Company Pages on LinkedIn help people to engage with my company?

Company Pages have not only been created for business owners and administrators, they have also been created with talent and all types of LinkedIn members in mind.

Some of the things that will help people to find your business and connect with it are:

  • Connections: Company Pages can find connections even in the most unlikely of places. Friends and colleagues of yours that have a connection with your page can be a roadmap to your page for other people when they share your content, products and services.

  • Updates: Announcements, product releases, useful freebies… every little thing that could be shared by your colleagues and followers represent a powerful tool to get people to engage with your business.

  • Conversions: LinkedIn Company Pages have been created with conversions in mind, and whether conversions for you mean gaining a follower or having someone purchase something from you, Company pages will allow you to reach your goal by giving you tools like sponsored content, InMail advertising and social sharing buttons.

If you want to take a look to get yourself ready before moving on, simply get into LinkedIn and type the name of your favorite brand or company in the search bar at the top of the page. Then click on the name as it appears in the list menu.